In partnership with Derric Waller as NCS San Diego, the San Diego Baseball Alliance will be hosting tournaments in the San Diego area. The next level scheduling optimization that you've come to expect from our schedule will be a part of these tournament experiences plus much more...
Tournament Schedule
February - July
August 30 - 31 : LABOR DAY CLASSIC (D3)
September 13th - 14th : BIG RECRUITS : BEST OF THE WEST
October 5th : SUNDAY BLITZ 1 DAY (D3) - 3 GAMES
October 19th : SUNDAY BLITZ 1 DAY (D3) - 3 GAMES
November 8th - 9th : VETERANS DAY ALLIANCE
November 15th - 16th : THANKFUL FOR BASEBALL (D3)
December 6th - 7th : BIG RECRUITS : DUEL IN DECEMBER
December 13th - 14th : HOLIDAY BASH (D3)
January 10th - 11th : BIG RECRUITS : MLK CLASSIC
January 24th - 25th : SAN DIEGO WINTER CLASSIC (D3)
For more information and to register today: